Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Get my booty in gear!

So... several of my goals have to do with exercise and weightloss.  I have done nothing to accomplish those goals and that is unacceptable.  This morning I took at look at several sprint Triathalons and I found one in which I am going to sign up for!  It is done by time and not distance.  I have to swim for 10 minutes, bike for 30 minutes and run/jog or crawl for 20 minutes.  This is getting my hugely motivated to get my fat ass off my couch, or desk chair! 

In getting excited about that, I am also starting to get excited for my trimmer and slimmer body.  So, I just spent the last half hour scoping out dresses that I could wear on my 30th birthday with my slimmer body. 

Here are some of the options.  Please weigh in as you see fit. 

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