Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I need to get going!

So I have 4 months to complete my list... I better get my ass in gear!!  I have highlighted what I have completed. 
1.       20lbs
2.       Pay off CC
3.       Move into a big gal’s apt
4.       Compete in a sprint triathalon
5.       Bike the length of the lake shore path
6.       Adopt a family for Christmas
7.       Learn how to change a tire/change my oil
8.       Get scuba certified
9.       Make the perfect soufflé
10.   Pick a new drink to order at the bar
11.   Learn how to knit a scarf
12.   Take a guitar class
13.   Get fitted for a proper bra
14.   Send a drink to a handsome stranger
15.   Cheesy kiss under mistletoe
16.   Go to a wine tasting and actually learn about the differences
17.   Go to a new Chicago museums
18.   Paint a picture that I would be willing to hang
19.   Pick a favorite song
20.   Make a full meal from ingredients from the farmers market (host a dinner party)
21.   Fly a kite
22.   Take pin-up girl calendar photos
23.   Sing Kareoke (well)
24.   Make a gingerbread house
25.   Organize a beer pong tournament
26.   Play craps and know what I am doing
27.   Go to a new country
28.   Go to a new city
29.   Go on a roller coaster
30.   Go on the Chicago ferris wheel

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