Recently, fairy tales have become quite trendy and popular, specifically Snow White. Two different feature films will have two different takes on this story as well as a quaint prime time television show feature this story. So, with a glass of wine in hand and my old copy of my Disney's Snow White, I reread a very familiar childhood story.
It certainly looks different now that I an adult. Firstly, I'd like to start the the beginning of the story. Snow White's mom is infertile, while sewing she pricks her finger and causes blood to fall onto the snow on her ebony window frame, which causes her to beg for a daughter, "with skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony." Soon, after ol infertile Queenie finds out she is knocked up, here is the real kick in the pants, after waiting for so long, negotiating with fate, she has a daughter that fits her exact specifications, except now, mamma dies. Seriously?! I guess the message we are telling expecting parents here don't set the bar too high or the price you pay is your life? I imagine that if mamma knew that she would have bargained for less. Perhaps she could have as for just a few freckles peppering her skin throughout life, endure a couple of zits during puberty, and perhaps a bout of roscea as she ages.
None the less, mom does die. Pappa King can't be a single daddy, and he probably is getting a lil horny round the castle so he takes on another wife, who become Snow White's step mom. I don't imagine that the German/Disney writers could ever possible take into account how incredibly relevant this story is to current family dynamics... but I guess they can as there are two movies and a prime time television show about it.
Somehow without a lot of drama, pappa king disappears from the story. The Queen jealous of Snow's beauty becaue very jealous, Real Housewive of OC style jealousy! The Queen went' off the edge, she attempted to have Snow white assained. A young huntsman was hired for the job which was completed - ish. Because Snow is so beatiful the huntsman didn't/couldn't kill her.
I believe I passed out on my computer right about here... Perhaps next time I decide to pop myself an ambien chased with some wine I will finish it. It made me laugh at my ridiculous ramblings!
I believe I passed out on my computer right about here... Perhaps next time I decide to pop myself an ambien chased with some wine I will finish it. It made me laugh at my ridiculous ramblings!
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