Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Art poser!

So, in following my own advice a couple posts back, I decided to appreciate what my city really had to offer.  This past weekend I had two separate but equally wonderful dates with the city.  Saturday, I had been invited to join two of my friends who are incredibly talented artists to enjoy the Open Studios event held in the Pilsen neighborhood.  This event is part Chicago Artists Month 2011.  I was so excited for the event I believed I may have text stalked my pal slightly that morning before she had even woken up (I may be an early riser).  Instead of waiting around my house, I grabbed a book and headed to my favorite bakery on the west side in Old Little Italy, grabbed a cannoli, cup of coffee and a corner table that was bathed in the mid morning sun.  I sat and read for a couple hours realizing that I would have been completely content reading all day in this perfect little spot.  I didn't though, when I got the text message from my pal that they were heading down the the art walk, I headed over. 

I had dressed in my art walk best, I needed to look the part of a 'real' art aficionado (I'll admit that I am a total poser).  I must really have looked the part, my friends of many years took a second to recognize me.  I had on my best fedora, grandpa cardigan and loose  beige scarf (just so you can picture it).  Anyway, the event was incredibly cool.  Basically over 50 studios or art 'spaces' which ranged from art galleries to people's apartments or even school auditoriums all transformed into galleries with art all over and even a few DJs pumping out an array of eclectic music.   

During the event I saw some art that was jarring and emotionally provoking.  I asked my friend why anyone would purchase those pieces and hang them in their home.  He explained to me (what a dunce he must have thought) that some art was to bring home and be appreciated over and over again evoking the energy one wants to have in their home.  Other art was created to be seen and evoke such a strong emotion that it leaves you thinking or often conversing about the subject matter or the inspiration.  DUH!  I felt like such and idiot. 

Anyway, from that day I was inspired to start my own personal art collection.   I have decided to start with a piece from each of my friends that I joined on the art walk.  I already have several jewelery pieces from my friend Amy Primeau, which are very cool and incredibly unique.  If you want to check out her stuff, which I definitely recommend, go to http://www.etsy.com/shop/amyprimeau?page=1

I have already chosen the piece from my friend Carey Primeau, called City of Seouls (seen below).  To check out more photography from Carey Primeau go to his website http://careyprimeau.com/home.html

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