Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project Memories

This morning on my way to work I heard an interesting story on NPR.  I will stop here and readily admit that I listen to NPR.  I find it informative and interesting, that is my official position.  I also like people talking to me while I drive.  Anyway, back to the story, it was all about memories.  How we tend to have what the experts call 'childhood amnesia'.  It led me to start thinking about my memories or my lack of them.  I have a  terrible memory, not sure why that is, but I can only imagine that this memory is only going to get worse.

So, instead of gifts for my 30th birthday, I'd like to request memories.  Yes, I am selfishly asking for these memories or stories to be about me, it is my birthday people.  Tell me your favorite memory, or even just a really good one with me.  This may seem like a daunting task, but you have about 5 months at this point.  Get cracking people!

I highly recommend listening to the story and source of this inspiration...

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