Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ferris wheel

I have several fears in life, but my most dibilitating fear is that of heights.  I will admit that it does have some qualifications, such as if I am indoors, but very high, I am ok.  Also, I am ok on airplanes... but I think that has more to do with deconditioning than anything else.  My greatest fear is open air heights.  If I can lean over something with the possibility of falling, then consider me terrified.  My knees go weak and my stomach is in my throat, my heart beats far too quickly and my palms become incredibly sweaty. 

When I was on a high school trip to France we went of the Eiffel Tower.  Seems ok right?  No, this is exactly the type of open air heights that terrifies me.  Even the elevator was open to the elements, which was four walls of metal cage.  There was no where to hide in this thing.  I will admit that cried the entire way up it gripping my high school friends hand.  Do I consider this incredibly embarassing, yes, was this the only time that heights has caused embarassing behavior... absolutely not!  If the Eiffel Tower was around the corner, trust me going up it without crying would be at the top of my list, but instead I will just have to settle for the Chicago Ferris Wheel.

You may be asking how can one really compare the Chicago Ferris Wheel to the Eiffel Tower... well my friends they are quite comparable in terms of my fear of open air heights and my reactions to them.  When I was in going to college in Chicago a few friends decided to check out the scene on Navy Pier.  Since none of us had been on the Ferris Wheel they thought it would be fun.  Instead of wanting to look like a party pooper, I bought my ticket somehow hoping that I had spontaneously overcome my fear of open air heights.  I hadn't.  Repeat hand holding and crocidile tears.  Repeat embarassment. 

So that's where #30 on the list comes from.  It will be the first item that I will tackle.  Fear.  Only fitting since I am a little fearful of turning 30, so why not tackle fear right off the bat?!  I will be attempting to enjoy the Chicago Ferris Wheel without tears and hand holding on Friday September 2nd.  If you are interesting in joining me just let me know.  Don't worry, I will bring a camera!

  Eiffel tower elevators with glass in the window!

Navy Pier Ferris Wheel... Scary isn't it!?

1 comment:

  1. So I didn't go on it yet. I had asked a couple of friends, but they were busy. I guess one of my other fears that I will be conquering is doing things by myself.
