Saturday, August 27, 2011

Embracing my city!

Yes, I am looking to go to new places and try new things... but I also have to realize that I need to embrace my own city too!  There are neighborhoods just a few miles away that are steeped in cultures that are unknown to me.  Today, I enjoyed an amazing bruch with a gal pal.  The cute breakfast spot was located on a shiney and polished street with new condo buildings and franchised restaurants.  While breakfast was delicious and coffee was piping hot the remants of what the street used to be were fashioned all over in statues and plaques.  The street used to be a corner of culture, it used to be crowded with characters.  Yes, there may have been some insidious characters and others may have called the corner "seedy," but now, it is cleaner than a load of whites washed with bleach. 

After breakfast, my pal and I were driving back to her place.  She lives in a neighborhood that is a thriving area of history, art and culture.  Sides of buildings are painted with historical and polical murals.  Some people would possibly call it graffitti and the artist criminals, but these artists are revered as heroes who are applauded to their expression and documentation of the rich culture.  With our windows open we heard the loud pounding of tribal drums before we saw the vibrant flashes of color moving rhythmically to the sounds of the drums.  My friend and I looked at each other knowing we would be remiss if we didn't immediately park and check out what was going on.  We walked over and checked out what appeared to be a small street festival celebrating what, we are still uncertain of.  We watched as about twenty dancers of all ages pounded their feet to the rhythm of the thunderous drums.  After every song, it appeared that the dancers made some sort of sacrifice.  We sat on the curb absorbing the sights and sounds in front of us, thrilled with how lucky we were to have stumbled upon such a sight. 

After the unbelievable experience, I have come to realize that I need to appreciate the city and neighborhoods at my finger tips before they disappear...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ferris wheel

I have several fears in life, but my most dibilitating fear is that of heights.  I will admit that it does have some qualifications, such as if I am indoors, but very high, I am ok.  Also, I am ok on airplanes... but I think that has more to do with deconditioning than anything else.  My greatest fear is open air heights.  If I can lean over something with the possibility of falling, then consider me terrified.  My knees go weak and my stomach is in my throat, my heart beats far too quickly and my palms become incredibly sweaty. 

When I was on a high school trip to France we went of the Eiffel Tower.  Seems ok right?  No, this is exactly the type of open air heights that terrifies me.  Even the elevator was open to the elements, which was four walls of metal cage.  There was no where to hide in this thing.  I will admit that cried the entire way up it gripping my high school friends hand.  Do I consider this incredibly embarassing, yes, was this the only time that heights has caused embarassing behavior... absolutely not!  If the Eiffel Tower was around the corner, trust me going up it without crying would be at the top of my list, but instead I will just have to settle for the Chicago Ferris Wheel.

You may be asking how can one really compare the Chicago Ferris Wheel to the Eiffel Tower... well my friends they are quite comparable in terms of my fear of open air heights and my reactions to them.  When I was in going to college in Chicago a few friends decided to check out the scene on Navy Pier.  Since none of us had been on the Ferris Wheel they thought it would be fun.  Instead of wanting to look like a party pooper, I bought my ticket somehow hoping that I had spontaneously overcome my fear of open air heights.  I hadn't.  Repeat hand holding and crocidile tears.  Repeat embarassment. 

So that's where #30 on the list comes from.  It will be the first item that I will tackle.  Fear.  Only fitting since I am a little fearful of turning 30, so why not tackle fear right off the bat?!  I will be attempting to enjoy the Chicago Ferris Wheel without tears and hand holding on Friday September 2nd.  If you are interesting in joining me just let me know.  Don't worry, I will bring a camera!

  Eiffel tower elevators with glass in the window!

Navy Pier Ferris Wheel... Scary isn't it!?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Official List!!

Alrighty then...  See below for the official list.  I have organized the list into categories, they are pretty self explanatory.  I am pretty excited about it.  There will be a calendar attached to some of the events, so check back and be with me as I check off some items on the list!

1.       20lbs
2.       Pay off CC
3.       Move into a big gal’s apt
4.       Compete in a sprint triathalon
5.       Bike the length of the lake shore path
6.       Adopt a family for Christmas
7.       Learn how to change a tire/change my oil
8.       Get scuba certified
9.       Make the perfect soufflĂ©
10.   Pick a new drink to order at the bar
11.   Learn how to knit a scarf
12.   Take a guitar class
13.   Get fitted for a proper bra
14.   Send a drink to a handsome stranger
15.   Cheesy kiss under mistletoe
16.   Go to a wine tasting and actually learn about the differences
17.   Go to a new Chicago museums
18.   Paint a picture that I would be willing to hang
19.   Pick a favorite song
20.   Make a full meal from ingredients from the farmers market (host a dinner party)
21.   Fly a kite
22.   Take pin-up girl calendar photos
23.   Sing Kareoke (well)
24.   Make a gingerbread house
25.   Organize a beer pong tournament
26.   Play craps and know what I am doing
27.   Go to a new country
28.   Go to a new city
29.   Go on a roller coaster
30.   Go on the Chicago ferris wheel